How we started
Mapreg was founded by Pr Etienne Baulieu, Dr Paul Robel, Dr Arlette Fellous and Dr Koichi Murakami in year 2000 when they discovered a completely novel path of action to treat neurological disorders.
- Etienne BAULIEU: MD, PhD, director of research at INSERM,
- member of US and Fr academies of sciences,
- 1989 Lasker Awardee
- worldwide renown biochemist, expert in steroid hormones, conceived the RU486, revealed the properties of DHEA
- Paul ROBEL: MD, PhD, physiologist, has been working with Pr Baulieu for 50 y.
- Koïchi MURAKAMI: PhD, worked under Pr Baulieu supervision to purify the receptor of pregnenolone in brain
- Arlette FELLOUS: PhD, Director of research at CNRS, expert in microtubules and MAP2, identified the cerebral receptor of pregnenolone purified by Koïchi as the MAP2 protein.
CHU Bicêtre, Batiment Pincus,
80 rue du général Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France.