30.000 new cases per year in USA+EU; no treatment; standard of care : decompressive surgery;
Victims are mostly: young males (traffic and sport accidents) + the elderly ones (falls).
Long-term handicaps include paraplegia and tetraplegia.
5-7 million new cases per year; no treatment; standard of care: none;
Victims are mostly : kids and males (sport, violence, traffic, wars, work accidents);
long-term disabilities include depression, memory deficits, higher prevalence of neurological Disorders (Parkinson, dementias).
3-5 million new cases per year; consists in sudden ischemia (blot clots, 80% cases) or hemorraghia ;
Most frequent in the elderly but fast growing in younger people;
Removal of blood clot is possible within the first 4h post-trauma (benefits to less than 20% patients)
In any case : neuronal loss is irreversible.
Spinal Cord injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries and Strokes, a cascade of damages
The initial trauma called the initial lesion, is focal and/or diffuse:
Leads to cascades of damages called secondary lesions that spread from initial lesion:Neuronal suffering and death
Our positioning : an emergency injection of MAP4343 to prevent secondary damages after the initial lesion.
In 3 different animal models of Spinal Cord Injuries, MAP4343:
In 3 different animal models of Traumatic Brain Injuries, MAP4343:
In the most widely used animal model of Stroke, MAP4343:
CHU Bicêtre, Batiment Pincus, 80 rue du général Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France.